Woot! Daily Heights in PoynterOnline

Woo woo, you guys are making history! Congratulations, “citizen journalists.” Last night, DH contributor Miranda G. alerted me to the article in PoynterOnline, and sure enough, Daily Heights just showed up in my Google News Alerts…

The Poynter Institute, a school for journalists, future journalists, and teachers of journalists, has an article up called “The 11 Layers of Citizen Journalism” [Steve Outing in PoynterOnline].

Daily Heights is situated at Layer 7 in Murrow’s Inferno (“7. The stand-alone citizen-journalism site: Unedited version”).

While we can’t promise you fame or riches, we can promise you this: what you write for Daily Heights will get read, partly because Google likes us and partly because we have an actual and substantial audience of local people that checks back regularly. Last Wednesday, for the first time, we had more than 1,000 unique visitors in a single day.

What do you want to write about?

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