How to Find the Mark Shields – David Brooks Slugfest

[FIRST POST! Daily Heights welcomes Frank Lynch, long-time reader and first-time contributor. Lynch lives in PH and writes a photo/politics blog called Really Not Worth Archiving… Really.]
Political pundits Mark Shields and David BrooksYou know how it is, I know how it is: memos have come out which clearly show that the Bush administration invaded Iraq to get fava beans, in spite of their ready availability at Sahadis. The world is in an uproar, and you just know that on the Newshour With Jim Lehrer this coming Friday night Mark Shields and David Brooks are going to plain out, flat out, duke it out. Is there a better occasion for a party?

You’ll have Biscuit deliver, of course, but how do your guests get to your place for the slam down? Good question. Glad you asked…

I recently discovered HopStop, an NYC website that you can provide to your guests, which will tell them how to get to your place from wherever they are in NYC. Imagine Mapquest for non-drivers: while Mapquest focuses on driving directions, this baby is focused on subways and buses (and walking!) for getting your raucous crowd there for the Shields & Brooks Death Match.

HopStop a valuable thing to keep in your back pocket, but with a caution: Biscuit will still serve you on the weekend, but Hop Stop doesn’t integrate weekend service changes into its route guides. So while it will do you fine for your Shields & Brooks slugfest (unless you’re doing a weekend TiVo replay), you’ll have less success with huge head bangers organized over some of that lame weekend CNN programming.

Yes, it would be really cool if the MTA did this, but Hopstop is a commercial site, and there are issues associated with a govmint agency linking to a commercial site. But it’s also worth noting that Chicago is planning on a similar site for its transit agencies.

In the meantime, if you’re registered at Pintchik, how do we get there?

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