Author Archives: Miranda G.

Flatbush Pavilion: More Anagrammer Identities Revealed

annangrahamforever.jpg Last week, I was chatting with the friendly bartender at Mooney’s, who admitted to me that he was one of the perpetrators of the movie marquee rewording that’s been going on for the past few months. His accomplices include a sheriff, a playwright and one other who’s occupation I can’t recall.

[Ed note: These aren’t the first anagrammers to be outed. Paul Berger wrote about sign-alterer David Collins in his blog and in an article for the New York Times (requires registration).]

If I had any doubts as to their story, I lost them when upon returning to the bar, I noticed near the back lurked a small, slightly shifty and wordy crew of late-night marquee pirates, puzzling over the arrangements of of letters cut from a newspaper, jotting down possible reformations in a notepad for future nocturnal recombinations.

More on this in the Daily Heights Message Boards.

How to Find the Mark Shields – David Brooks Slugfest

[FIRST POST! Daily Heights welcomes Frank Lynch, long-time reader and first-time contributor. Lynch lives in PH and writes a photo/politics blog called Really Not Worth Archiving… Really.]
Political pundits Mark Shields and David BrooksYou know how it is, I know how it is: memos have come out which clearly show that the Bush administration invaded Iraq to get fava beans, in spite of their ready availability at Sahadis. The world is in an uproar, and you just know that on the Newshour With Jim Lehrer this coming Friday night Mark Shields and David Brooks are going to plain out, flat out, duke it out. Is there a better occasion for a party?

You’ll have Biscuit deliver, of course, but how do your guests get to your place for the slam down? Good question. Glad you asked…

I recently discovered HopStop, an NYC website that you can provide to your guests, which will tell them how to get to your place from wherever they are in NYC. Imagine Mapquest for non-drivers: while Mapquest focuses on driving directions, this baby is focused on subways and buses (and walking!) for getting your raucous crowd there for the Shields & Brooks Death Match.
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