Category Archives: Vanderbilt Ave.

Local Streetcorner Rock-&-Stopped

rocknstop_vanderbilt.jpgsje writes: I found yesterday afternoon that the corner of Vanderbilt and Bergen (in front of Daffodil Hardware) has been Rock & Stopped! This is done by an artistic duo who go by the moniker “Thundercut” (, and who are also ProHo residents, albiet secretive ones. They leave public artworks in many places, there’s a few beautiful cutout wooden seahorses and bubbles a bit further up on Bergen.”

“Rock & Stop” is cool, but wouldn’t “Stop & Rock” be even cooler? I guess you can interpret it any way you want.

Local Street Photographed

snow_Jan23 (1)-tn.jpgIsitan writes us: “This picture was taken right in the middle of where I live and my wife’s shop, which was only 3 weeks old at the time (Sunday, Jan. 23). I was just crossing the street and wanted to capture Vanderbilt Avenue transformed to a white asphalt. I’m afraid there’s no story attached to the image other than this. 🙂

OK! I think that’s the last of the winter photos…

Foxy Brown: Paper or Plastic? Cash Back?

foxy brown.jpgRumor has it that Foxy Brown was once a cashier at the Met Foods on Vanderbilt Avenue. CAPTAIN MARVELOUS investigates:

“Abdul of the Met says Foxy Brown used to bag there … the current cashiers proceeded to go absolutely nuts. They said she still comes in, but didn’t know she worked there.”

PH Trivia Because I am Bored [Isa in the DAILY HEIGHTS Forums]


REVEALED: The Source of BUILD's Wealth

build revenue source revealed-tn.jpgRevenue, thy name is Xerox?

Hmm… maybe. The situation: about 16 months ago, some people started a non-profit called “Brooklyn United for Innovative Local Development,” or BUILD, that appears to have been created for the express purpose of promoting and/or defending Bruce Ratner’s Atlantic Yards project.

Pretty much everyone who opposes Ratner thinks that he’s somehow behind the group. The BUILD people are acutely aware of their suspicion. From (yes, they have a real website now):

Myth: BUILD is financially supported by Forest City Ratner.

Fact: Since its inception BUILD has been supported by its members and community based supporters. BUILD’s faith in God and strong ties to the community has sustained and perpetuates our operations and advancement of our mission…”

Well… that’s nice. But not exactly what I would call full disclosure. I asked Dan Goldstein of Develop Don’t Destroy if anyone knows just a bit more precisely how BUILD gets its funding:

“It’s only been speculated upon. I do know that they have held fundraisers where Bruce gets his buddies to come and donate.”

“Nobody has proven that Ratner directly funds them. I think it hurts our cause to accuse them of that.”

“I also do know that Develop Don’t Destroy has raised all of its money from the community to this date, and we can’t afford an office on Vanderbilt.”

That’s about as far as we’ve got. We’ll post an update if we get any news from BUILD.

Keeping an Eye Out: Big Bikes and Scaffolds

From the Daily Heights Camphone Patrol:
UpScaffold-tn.jpgLucas writes: Did you see the tall bicyclists yesterday? A group of about 5-6 people riding six-foot-tall bicycles up Vanderbilt. Hilarious. Tried to get a shot, but they were too far away for my wee camphone. I can’t wait until US cell manufacturers start providing multi-megapixel cameras. Sheesh.”

Lucas also spotted these unsavory characters, clearly up to no good (check out the scowl on Rope Guy as he gets camphoned): “Not sure what they’re doing up there, but it looks like they’re cleaning the exterior of the dry cleaning building. Maybe not. They weren’t thrilled to be captured on film. (‘On disk’? What will people say now that film is being phased out?)”

CLOSED: Diane Boisvert's Gallery on Vanderbilt

diane slide.jpgCould the news get any worse today? Terry Schiavo dies. Gasoline and Home Heating Oil prices surge to record levels (did I call it? I called it.) And now, we find out that Diane Boisvert has closed her Vanderbilt Ave. gallery: “The gallery has closed its doors but it will remain online,” Diane says in a tersely worded statement on her website.

Diane opened the gallery in September 2002: “What charmed me most about the place was the storefront. It used to be an old antiques store, but I decided to use it as my studio and to open the doors to fellow artists and the public … I realized that this wonderful space had too much potential to keep it just to myself.”

She had dedicated the space to showcasing contemporary artists with “individual” and “intense” works: “People who move me and give me a punch in the heart, head and spirit.”

First Saturday

basquiatnew-b.jpgVivian of Housebroken asked us to put the word out that Vanderbilt Ave. businesses will be doing their own First Saturday thing this weekend: “A lot of the businesses will be open until later and will offer special discounts.” Not sure of many specifics yet, but we know that Fermented Grapes will be doing a wine tasting from 4-7 pm with Daniel from Domaine Select Wine Estates, who “will pour some amazing wines from Italy and elsewhere. We will offer a 5% discount on wines from the tasting.” Do you have any other First Saturday updates or news? Let us know.

Oh. Did we mention that the Brooklyn Museum will also be open this Saturday night? Check out the schedule. Let’s see if Basquiat mania can push First Saturday over into another new attendance record.

REFERENCE: [Record 12,000 Crowd at First Saturday]

Amorina (Cucina Rustica) in "Openings & Buzz"

amorina-kenneth chen openings050328_1_175.jpgNichelle points out that Amorina gets top billing in the latest “Openings & Buzz” column in New York Metro:

Albano Ballerini continues to remake burgeoning Vanderbilt Avenue in his own offbeat culinary image … he’s transformed a Brooklyn slice joint into a boutique focacceria. Pizza chef Ruth Kaplan, an Aliseo customer and avid home cook whose puffy, free-form pies got her the Amorina gig, has a toppings repertoire that runs the gamut from classic (tomatoes and mozzarella) to creative (dried cherries, nutmeg, orange peel, and crème fraîche)…”

Amorina (Cucina Rustica) | 624 Vanderbilt Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11238. 718-230-3030.

[Photo: Kenneth Chen]