Category Archives: Uncategorized

Vote Day Is Here! And the locals are buzzing…

Perhaps it has come to your attention that there is a sort of big deal election taking place today.  Well you aren’t the only one who noticed, as a quick look at any Brooklynian board will prove.  Locals have been checking in all day, sharing their experiences:

Old Time Brooklyn: The line is halfway down Bergen Street right now.

asking questions pertaining to their local polling site:

eterpay: “If anyone has a midday report on the lines at PS9, I’d love to hear it.”

and giving tips on how to vote best:

pitu: “There was a line around the block at my polling station this morning, but alot of people were waiting to find out which table to go to. If you don’t have your card or that thing the Board of Elections sent you in the mail two months ago, confirm your info at this state link BEFORE YOU GO VOTE!
Knowing your district could save you an hour today… ”

So stop by, share your stories and ask your questions at Prospect Heights Message Board – help!! where do i vote? ::

Tips For Couples With Kids in Prospect Heights

Newcomer to Prospect Heights, chandaleer, stopped by the boards this week to inquire about what good things there are to do nearby for a couple with a baby.  Only a few posts later, a good list has begun to grow.

From chandaleer: “We are new to the neighborhood and are looking for any and all recommendations, especially for kid-friendly stuff. Our daughter is 15 months old. Anyone else have kids around that age and potentially interested in playdates? I’m a stay at home mom so my schedule is flexible. Also looking for a cool bar or two. We found Sepia and liked it a lot. Thanks!”

Some recommendations:

doctorj: “Hang out at Underhill Playground for a bit (cnr Prospect); won’t take long to meet like-situationed people. I believe they’re having a function tomorrow morning (Saturday 25th).
Also, [email protected]

stacey: “There is also Music for Ardvarks at Soda”

ntfool: “There’s also a relatively new ice cream shop nearby on Underhill that has a sizable playroom in the back. And the Brooklyn Library at Grand Army Plaza has storybook time with a wide variety of ages three mornings a week (my wife is a stay-at-home as well).”

And more will surely follow.  Another victory for crowdsourcing on!  Read the whole thread here: Prospect Heights Message Board – new to the area looking for stuff to do! ::

Heights Border Debate Yields Little Debate

As Prospect Heights’ hipness quotient has risen in the last few years, realtors have done what they do and attempted to expand its borders.  madman recently started a thread called “Border Wars” citing a “NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission that seems to implicate Flatbush and Washington Aves as the Western and Eastern borders of Prospect Heights.”  There hasn’t been too much dispute about those being the borders in the discussion that followed.

Carnivore pointed out: “I think the mods are all in agreement that Washington is the border, as are most people who don’t have a vested interest.

What are borders good for anyways?  Does the character of the neighborhood really change just past Washington?  A few posters list some of the harmful effects of fudging borders in the thread.  I suggest you stop by and read them before deciding to check out a great apt. deal on Franklin Ave. in the heart of Prospect Heights.  Prospect Heights Message Board – Border Wars ::

St. Johns Market Is Open – Discuss

The former “As_oc_i_ted” at St. Johns and Underhill has now been transformed into a shiny new cornerstore called St. Johns Market.  In the words of supreme_ian let the reviews begin ….”  Here are some excerpts from early critiques:

jarvis: “The place looks great and the selection is a lot bigger.. I also heard Sam say that they only have about 50% of the inventory in at this point. For the kinds of things I buy (veggie stuff, a lot of Amy’s and soy products, organic pasta etc..) it’s great. As for prices, it seems more expensive on certain items, and less on others.. hard to tell at this point. Definitely psyched!”

Underhill_MT: Prices are good for most things (a box if macaroni is the same as the grocery store, same goes for canned beans), steep for others (our biodegradable dish detergent is $5 there, but $3.5 at Met). Store is great looking, can’t wait to go back when they’re fully stocked.” 

So what’s the verdict?  Sure it may no longer smell like cat piss, but is it everything you want your corner store to be? 

1,2,3 Review! Prospect Heights Message Board – St Johns Market = Finally Open ::

Prospect Heights Pizza Wrap Up

Every so often it is necessary to take the temperature of the pizza situation in your neighborhood. You’ve got to put out the feelers and see who’s enjoying which slices.  BKCK made the call: Who makes the best pizza in Prospect Hgts? I dig Amorina for going out, but I’m looking for the best regular pie delivery place. Suggestions?”

And suggestions flow forth.  alafairnadia contributed a 700 word comprehensive guide to area pizza.  Others voted for their faves, though very few recommendations were entirely heartfelt.  The general feeling is that although there are some better than average pies in the ‘hood, few will change your life.  Read all the ratings, add your own and then open up that pizza pie shop of our collective dreams with a perfect crust, with cheese and toppings that meet the edge and a sauce so savory it’ll make you cry.  Start your research here: Prospect Heights Message Board – Best Pizza in the hood? ::

How To Get Rid Of Mice

Few New Yorkers have never had a run in with a mouse in their apt.  There are a variety of traps on the market ranging from humane to vindictive but sometimes nothing seems to work.  A couple Crown Heights residents crowd sourced the forum for solutions to their rodent woes:

katherine08: “I just saw a mouse scamper across my apartment, I tried to get it but it somehow fit itself underneath the small crack between the door and the floor and snuck into my room. How do I get ride of it? I don’t want to kill it. Can I lure it out somehow? Any tips to help this not happen again?” 

BellaK: “I must have Mighty Mouse in my apartment, he’s been here 3 weeks already and refuses to die. At first I wanted a quick death for him, so I suggested regular snap traps to my boyfriend…After 4 days, nothing. So I said, “fine, get the glue traps as long as I don’t have to see or hear it.”…nothing…Then, the gutsy little thing started climbing on to the coffee table one evening while my boyfriend was sitting there eating his Crown Fried chicken. So we figured he liked the chicken enough, put some in the traps. ……..nothing…”

No strangers to this problem themselves, the people of the forum gladly put forth the wisdom they’d accrued on the topic while living in NYC.

See their solutions or offer your own at Crown Heights Message Board – getting rid of mice? ::

Homeless in PH – If You Can't Beat Them Join Them

Some differing ideas regarding what to do about the increase in homeless people in the neighborhood were brought to light this week.  Minet broached the topic:

“hi, anyone else upset by the rise in homeless people in the neighborhood and the fact that one guy seems to be taking his mattress with him.
There was a guy with his mattress on Prospect last week- we called 311 and got directed to homeless services -who never came. In the am, he had a guest. Calling the station house from now on. “

Others agreed that calling the authorities is the way to go, so case workers can come and help the person find shelter.  Another approach is to just let them be, as per Daver:

“Honestly, if the guy isn’t causing any trouble, I’m inclined to let him be. It will most likely take care of itself in some fashion as it gets colder. As long as he _can_ stay out, good for him. The shelters are fucking disasters and nightmares. And not someplace that you wanna be. Much safer on an old mattress on Prospect.”

sneakyonstmarks relates a story, the moral of which is that we should do more than just tolerate them or see that they get to a shelter, but we should be nice to them as an insurance policy should we ever become homeless ourselves. The story begins with him being locked out of his apt.

“i had no option but to go and hang out with the homeless guys who basically had a living room on the sidewalk. They let me stay there till i could get in touch of my landlord. I went back the next day and bought them all lunch. Some people on this board have no fucking compassion, remember today its them homeless tomorrow it might be you. One never knows!!

Read more at: Prospect Heights Message Board – sleeping man on vanderbilt last night ::

Sick of Gunshots? Or just posts about them…

Maybe it was inevitable, but with at least 4 open threads on the front page of the Crown Heights forum about gun shots and several others about muggings, some locals are saying enough already.  Not with the gun shots themselves, but enough with the posts about them.

“I’ve been seeing gunshot posts on this board for the past few years, and frankly I dont find them interesting nor informative! Maybe it’s just me, but hearing gunshots in Crown Heights or for that matter Brooklyn North, is not all that uncommon. If theres something unusual about the gunshots, IE: gunshots coupled with someone getting shot or some other strange incident please feel free to post, otherwise lets just chalk it up to fireworks.”

This was posted by King without a crown along with a poll asking users “Do you find Gunshot posts informative?” King without a crown, it should be noted, has a reputation for exaggerating the level of danger in the neighborhood.  If you see the expression on the boards “to KWAC”  you should know it has the following definition as laid out by Watchuwant in a previous thread:

“KWAK- the act of making a block and/or neighborhood sound or seem worse by giving statistics that may or may not be completely correct and anecdotes that scare potential residents.”

As of now, the poll is fairly split between locals who care to hear about gunshots, and locals who find that it needlessly creates paranoia.  Cast your vote and state your case at 

Is This PH's Worst Block?

Fjord seems to have touched a nerve with a recent post outlining why a particular stretch of Prospect Place deserves to be called out for it’s griminess:

“The north side of Prospect Place between Washington and Underhill (for a huge stretch) is just plain disgusting, riddled with litter, and a black eye for the folks that live on the block.

1. Walking from the east, you now have—in the last week—a construction plywood fence that extends nearly to the street. With the weeds, etc, it’s a literal maze. Nearly unpassable with strollers or grocery/laundry carts.
2. Right next to this is run-down and boarded-up stone front bldg, sidewalk overgrown with a glut of weeds (and little pest trees as well).
3. Continuing down the block, Prospect Place is stuck with the ass-end of the warehouse that has its entry on St. Marks. From Prospect, it looks abandoned.
4. A few more steps, and there’s the stillbirth bldg, one of the many in Brooklyn frozen in mid-construction we can thank Scarano architecture firm for…”

A litany of similar complaints about the block follows by folks that live on it or nearby.  Excerpts:

PHrez: Lots of litter and dog shit around here. The supers of these buildings don’t seem to care either. No pride in the neighborhood.”

ProspectPlaceGirl: “seems like the whole part of that block is in a giant violation. “

alafairnadia:  “I don’t walk that block. too many blind spots/side “alleys”. terrifying to a single woman.”

Nor’easter: I too will go out of my way not to walk that block – sigh…”

Lo Kee: “What a toilet.” 

And there’s plenty more negativity about what seems to be the unofficial crappiest block in Prospect Heights. Some were more positive however:

doctorj: “Worst block in a great neighborhood = best block to buy into for the long term. One day it’ll be fixed.”

and the lone admirer:

Any ideas on how to salvage this suffering block?  Save the day at Prospect Heights Message Board -Prospect Place btw. Underhill and Washington ::

Helicopters in Crown Heights – Here's the Deal

Several people logged on to the Crown Heights board Saturday night to see if anyone had the inside scoop on a low flying, loud and lingering helicopter near Franklin and Eastern.  With the recent spate of gun shot threads on the board, one might assume that an uptick in violence may have brought out the whirlybirds. Or that cops were trying to disperse crowds from the day’s Panamanian Parade.  There was speculating, then our own cccc delivered the inside scoop:

“The police officer was hit by an object thrown off one of the rooftops. They are using helicopters to search the roofs. The PO had a serious laceration and was taken to Kings County Hospital.  I know for fact this is what happened”

cccc keeps his sources to himself, but the story is soon verified in the local news.  This one had a happy ending which you can read about at  Crown Heights Message Board: helicopter circling over my block–what’s the deal :: | Brooklyn Blog and Message Boards

We’re still waiting for conclusions in the gun shot threads…