Homeless in PH – If You Can't Beat Them Join Them

Some differing ideas regarding what to do about the increase in homeless people in the neighborhood were brought to light this week.  Minet broached the topic:

“hi, anyone else upset by the rise in homeless people in the neighborhood and the fact that one guy seems to be taking his mattress with him.
There was a guy with his mattress on Prospect last week- we called 311 and got directed to homeless services -who never came. In the am, he had a guest. Calling the station house from now on. “

Others agreed that calling the authorities is the way to go, so case workers can come and help the person find shelter.  Another approach is to just let them be, as per Daver:

“Honestly, if the guy isn’t causing any trouble, I’m inclined to let him be. It will most likely take care of itself in some fashion as it gets colder. As long as he _can_ stay out, good for him. The shelters are fucking disasters and nightmares. And not someplace that you wanna be. Much safer on an old mattress on Prospect.”

sneakyonstmarks relates a story, the moral of which is that we should do more than just tolerate them or see that they get to a shelter, but we should be nice to them as an insurance policy should we ever become homeless ourselves. The story begins with him being locked out of his apt.

“i had no option but to go and hang out with the homeless guys who basically had a living room on the sidewalk. They let me stay there till i could get in touch of my landlord. I went back the next day and bought them all lunch. Some people on this board have no fucking compassion, remember today its them homeless tomorrow it might be you. One never knows!!

Read more at: Prospect Heights Message Board – sleeping man on vanderbilt last night :: Brooklynian.com

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