Category Archives: dailyheights

Bid Now – Relax Later!

033_raffle_ticket.JPGCheck out the avalanche of swag you can bid on right now or tonight (Thurs., Apr. 28) at the DAILY HEIGHTS happy hour, 6 pm ’til whenever, at Soda Bar (629 Vanderbilt Ave.; 718-230-8393). If I had to guess, I would say that the drawing will take place around 8:15 PM. ish.

MANY THANKS to all the generous supporters! This is a huge validation of the many, many hours we (the collective we) have frittered away on DAILY HEIGHTS when we could have been doing something more productive. To show your gratitude, from here on out you should never buy anything, ever, unless it comes from one of the incredibly intelligent and attractive businesses below!

Can I bid now? You heard right! You can either e-mail an “IOU” to [email protected], or better yet, click here:


Welcome, Comment Spammers

eyp.jpgWhat took you so long? Take a seat next to the TrackBack spammers.

What do we do now – block IP addresses? Upgrade to the latest version of Movable Type (3.16), which includes the a new version of the ‘nofollow’ plugin?

Ladies and Gentlemen: We Have a Grand Prize! cocktails.jpgGuess what you can win if you come to the first-ever DAILY HEIGHTS Real-Life Happy Hour/Raffle next Thursday, April 28, from 6 p.m. ’til whenever at Soda Bar (629 Vanderbilt Ave.; 718-230-8393)?

Shawn and Marilyn, operators of The Islands restaurant, have made an astoundingly generous offer of Dinner for Four (“reservations recommended”) to one lucky raffle participant. Location: 803 Washington Ave (Eastern Parkway and Lincoln). Phone: (718) 398-3575.

Jon Friedman, producer of The Rejection Show (and host/director of the Mermaid Ball 2005) is donating two t-shirts from (pronounced “LMNO Tees”).

If that’s not enough, Isa Chandra, co-host of The Post Punk Kitchen, America’s only anarcho-vegan cooking show, is donating a DVD.

And of course, as noted in last week’s happy hour/raffle announcement, you can also win a hand-embroidered “ProHo Ho” (or “ProHo” Male Edition) t-shirt courtesy of RedLipstick Boutique.

If Emeril were here, he would say, “BAM.”

Photo: Simposio Cafe Bar, Cyprus. []

Help Me with a Social Experiment

As a social experiment, everyone should start using the term “ProHo” in front of people who aren’t familiar with DAILY HEIGHTS, just to see how far the usage gets. When people question you about what it means, just shrug and say, “Prospect Heights, duh,” as if it’s the most normal thing in the world to say, and why would you even be asking me such a question.

Does the use of ProHo induce nausea and inspire gentrification? Here is a lively discussion on these questions, which you may want to check out if you’re bored at work and wondering when the hell today’s DH updates are coming.

Disturbing Search Requests

I guess it was woefully naive to expect that Daily Heights could ever be a family-friendly forum. And now, look what Google, with lightning speed, has listed as the #2 search result for the phrase “Shaya Boymelgreen”. Please, try to think a little bit before you post comments like that, K?

BLAME “THE MEDIA”: I can’t help but thinking this is partly the fault of the New York Times, who reported that Shaya Boymelgreen “vowed to block (Ratner’s) plans” to follow through with the Atlantic Yards project. Oh, did he? Has anyone seen evidence, outside of alleged off-the-record comments, that Boymelgreen “vowed” to do anything with anything?


Reference: Boymelgreen Flips “Hotel” Properties

GET A BLOG: Amy's Self Indulgence (UPDATED)

amys kitchen1.jpgAmy, one of the ProHo’ers who took us up on the Kind-of-Free Blog offer, is already up and running–told you it was easy. Check out the The Selfindulgence Blah-g, in which Amy says: “inspired by the awesome Apartment Therapy web site I am posting some photos of my recently renovated kitchen.

This could be you! Secret codes are still available. And no, DH is not getting a kickback from the Typepad/Movable Type/Six Apart people.

UPDATED: Amy has a great post today about a Corcoran open house in her building: “I don’t think you could get $260k for this place if it was in Manhattan. I see they have sheduled another open house for next weekend…”

Reference: [GET A BLOG: Typepad 90 Days Free with Secret DAILYHEIGHTS Code]


One Dollar for DAILY HEIGHTS, One Good Deal for You

dollar.jpgWe’ll keep short (mercifully shorter than PBS would): The big payoff for running DAILY HEIGHTS–besides the 21 cents we made yesterday from Google Ad clicks–is kind praise from fellow Brooklyn people like Chuck: “The recent ‘protestors’, ‘money’ and ‘van helsing’ posts have been local, relevant and really, really funny. And the WiFi listing was also very handy. Just want to say thanks for the entertainment and the information.”

We love that. But since our web hosting provider will not accept “kind praise” in exchange for 50 gigabytes of bandwidth a month, today’s goal is to

Here’s the pitch: Whether you’re a restaurateur, graphic/web designer, dog walker or just somebody with an event to promote, seems like a pretty good deal, doesn’t it?

What if I don’t have a website? We can carve out a small corner of DAILY HEIGHTS just for you, for free. Or we can help you set up a free website, or find a web designer who can do a decent, professional job for you. Now,

What if I want to support DAILY HEIGHTS, but I don’t need to advertise anything? You can follow the lead of DH fans, including Stacey on Underhill and Isa, who have made a PayPal donation by clicking this button:

  • GET A BLOG: Typepad 90 Days Free with Secret DAILYHEIGHTS Code

    typepad_home_right.jpgDAILY HEIGHTS hooks you up: Typepad is an easy to use, feature-packed hosted blogging service. Setting up a Typepad account takes about 5 minutes. You can get a 30-day free trial at the Typepad site, but 30 days turns out to be remarkably short in blog time.

    Solution: The people at Six Apart set up a special 90-day free trial account code for 10 people who read this site. Contact DH for the code.

    Ninety days is just about the perfect amount of time to determine whether you want to (1) stay with Typepad, which will cost you $4.95 or more a month, or (2) like we did, get your own server space and install Movable Type, the powerful (though far from perfect! argh!) engine behind Typepad. Movable Type costs up to $99, depending on the type of license, or FREE if you are willing to forge ahead without the help of Six Apart’s surprisingly knowledgeable and helpful technical support people.