Last Night

There was plenty of revelry to be had in the neighborhood if your candidate was the big winner last night, and chances are he was given the numbers that came out of Brooklyn.  A number of people logged on to share the joy they were feeling amidst the impromptu parties in the streets.

Whatchuwant: People everywhere! Cars honking! People shouting, singing, dancing in the streets! Gunshots fired into the air!! (good ‘ole Crown Heights!) So happy that everyone is so happy!”

Perhaps the first posting on the Crown Heights board where the gunshots were positive.

aleesha: last night was truly incredible.. complete strangers giving high-fives and hugging each other, cheering and honking horns and every one of them with a huge smile on their face (even the cops and cab drivers going by couldn’t help but smile and honk).. i have never seen anything like this where everyone was just so HAPPY. and relieved!”  

And nearby in Prospect Heights:

raulism: “The crowds in front of Soda were cheering everything, from police cars, to delivery trucks, to garbage trucks.”

And he’s got the YouTube links to prove it.  Stop by Prospect Heights Message Board – police helicopters and sirens :: to check them out and share your story.

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