Failed Attempt at Super Soak, 8:15 AM

jotlefi jane writes: “At 8:15 am this morning, as I walked my daughter to daycare thinking of nothing but coffee, I noticed something peculiar. On Carlton between Prospect Place and St. Marks, three 20-something white males were pacing about armed with water guns.”

“One had a Giant Super Soaker attached to his back and clearly ready for firing, another had a small hand ‘soaker’ and the third hid his weapon in his pocket. They were hanging outside of an apartment and I heard the boss with the Super Soaker say, ‘there’s no answer.'”

“Hmmm, wish I knew just what they were doing. Soaker Swat team? Bachelor party antics? At 8:15? On a Wednesday? And what poor soul they were looking to soak. Still wondering.”

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