"Adult" Spelling Bee: Not Racy Enough for the Daily News

DCP_4050AlJoshBeex.jpgAdult Spelling Bee emcee Josh Reynolds reports that he recently received an e-mail from blog-savvy Daily News reporter Deborah Kolben:

“She wanted to do an article on the spelling bee. I was pretty excited about this and called her up. She said, ‘So…you have this adult novelty spelling bee.’ and I launched into my spiel and she stopped me very early on to say, ‘So, it’s not adult?’ … ‘Uh, well, we don’t spell the names of vibrators or anything like that. I mean, other than being in a bar, it’s a pretty wholesome spelling bee.’ She said, ‘Oh’ in a disappointed way, and told me that she was probably not going to be able to pitch the regular old spelling bee story.”

“I guess a ‘Sex and the Spelling Bee’ event is a good idea, but how hard are those words to spell really?”

Bonus! Heather reports on last week’s bee:

“…not packed to the rafters like last time, but … any time there are no tables left completely empty, it is a good turnout … It always seems half the people there don’t participate in the spelling, so it’s not like you’d be alone in your spell-lessness if you were to come just to watch. As non-speller Mark pointed out, it’s not just a competition, it’s entertainment.”

The next Adult Spelling Bee takes place at Freddy’s Backroom on the last Wednesday in April.

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