Category Archives: Crime, Mischief, and Tomfoolery

Return of the Vestibule Pushers: Forced Entry Attempt on St. Marks Place?

GMilner writes in the Prospect Heights Message Boards: “Last night, a man tried to force his way into my building by following a neighbor of mine. She managed to get the front door closed just in time…”

“The police took about 15 minutes to show up, and the guy was still in front of the door… for whatever reason the cops the cops let him go. They told us that he was barely coherent and that he had said something about how he worked in this building, so they got his address (or whatever address they gave him) and told him to go home.”

“Obviously, I’m annoyed at how they handled this. People should be careful in case he tries this again. Our building is on St. Marks between Underhill and Washington.”

This wasn’t the only incident: Prospect Heights Message Boards

Mr. Sparkles Must Die

Photo: Mr. Sparkle T-shirt Originally uploaded by Vaguely Artistic.
t-fal writes in the Crown Heights Message Boards: “There’s this guy who lurks about my block… I call him Mister Sparkles due to his rather impressive fronts that would make Flavor Flav green with envy … He is the sole and driving reason behind the deterioration of the once lovely quality of life on my block. “
“… He struts around like one of those grumpy commentators on the Muppets, giving shit to anyone and everyone who happens to pass by … he accused my boyfriend and I of being undercover cops … and now he’s got a cheering section of fourteen year old boys, the bastard.”
“There’s nothing worse than fourteen year old boys. He and his youth crew are outside my bedroom window nearly every night, including right now, serenading me with gunshots, random imitations of dogs barking, absurd proclamations about god.knows.what.”
“He starts incredibly loud fights with random people who happen to be passing by, at 4 am, and then follows them down the block creating a climate of fear and intimidation when once there was none.”
“My block used to be so live and let live! What happened? … It’s obvious: mister sparkles must die. But is he really worth going to prison for? Sadly, no. So therefore I suffer.”

Mister Sparkles Must Die: Crown Heights Message Boards

About All Those Gunshots on Vanderbilt Ave.: What Really Happened.

Remember about 10 days ago in Prospect Heights? When suddenly there were about 20 gunshots on Vanderbilt Ave. at 7 pm? And then 10 minutes later you checked the Prospect Heights Message Boards? And there was this rapidly evolving thread about a body laying on the ground near Carlton and Dean, and then it turned out that he was Javaughn Higgins, a kid recently indicted in the beating death of a Bangladeshi immigrant? But that Young Master Higgins got out of jail thanks to his mom who paid the bail against her home mortgage? And then it turned out that the kid had just tried to mug a guy for his iPod using a fake gun? And then the police found the guy and opened fire? And that was the story of the gunshots? Well now, here’s the story from the point of view of the guy mugged for his iPod, as told to The New Zealand Herald.

Discuss: Prospect Heights Message Boards

Beware of "Keith", the (Allegedly) Crack-Smoking, (Absolutely) Intimidating Panhandler with Subtle Mugger Overtones

He’s back. Making the rounds last night.

esmits wrote in the Prospect Heights Message Boards: “This guy was agressive, not in the way that he just kept talking, or telling stories. He was physically agressive with his body language, verbally agressive too. He threatened me a few times. I thought I was being mugged.”

Who is he? According to your neighbor-in-the-know: “He is known to a lot of PHers as ‘Keith’. He’s notorious for intimidating people for cash. He likes to smoke crack under my stoop. he also has a very pronouced stutter. He’s known to follow people for several blocks.”

Early Warning System (beeeeeeep): Prospect Heights Message Boards

has_balls: queen_of_pies

queen_of_pies writes in the Prospect Heights Message Boards: “Last night, someone proved to me that my no-locking paranoia wasn’t enough to hold on to a bike when a thief wants your ride.”

“After riding home from work in the evening, I carried my bike up the three stairs of our stoop… After unlocking the hallway door, I turned around and saw a man hopping off the stoop carrying my bike…”

“I ran out of the building and down the stairs toward the thief, tripping on the bottom stair, which sent me sailing into him; me, the bike, and the thief all sprawling on the sidewalk. Me and Mr. Thief scrambled to our feet, and I grabbed my bike and screamed, ‘let go of my fucking bike!'”

“He took a few steps back–probably calculated that this shabby-looking bicycle wasn’t worth fighting this madwoman for–and said, ‘hey, I wasn’t trying to take your bike.’ What, then? trying to give it a tune-up? I picked up my bike and ran back into the building and turned to see him sauntering away.”

“Him: 5′ 8″, not badly dressed, slight caribbean accent, hair long and slightly dreaded. me: nursing knee bruises and glad to have my bike.”

Whoa: Prospect Heights Message Boards

Shooting on Carlton!

Thanks to Maggie for the dispatch: “7:00PM: (10/21/05) I just witnessed a shooting on Carlton Avenue (between Dean & Bergen). We heard several pops, then we saw people running up Carlton (toward Flatbush) and then a man chasing another man, shooting. The guy being chased went down. Turns out the shooter was a cop. A lot of activity outside right now as well as the whole block taped off as a crime scene. Scary…”

This story is developing as we speak in the Prospect Heights Message Boards (click on yellow link above).

Egg Vandalism Week 2005: Should Buyers Show ID at the Bodega?

Ovos gelados

Originally uploaded by Eu Rics.

olivia writes: “Like fireworks around the fourth of July, egg violence peaks on Halloween but occurs duing the weeks building up to the holiday, then dies down. I wonder about the merchants who are selling the eggs to the kids? Do they know or care?”

daveb replies: “In Vermont, during the week before Halloween, you have to 18 to buy eggs. At least, that was how it was when I was growing up.”

Read more: [Crown Heights Message Boards]

Disturbing Discovery on Plaza St.

metulj writes: “There was a mighty stench of death wafting all over Plaza St East, and it had nothing to do with the construction starting at Union Temple…”

“A leaf-and-lawn sized trash bag was left inside the fence of Plaza right in front of #50. It started smelling like total rot. Police were called. What was it? A chopped up underworld figure? A sack of heads?”

“No. It was about 50 dead pigeons. Police left said bag stinking like shit-covered death. Calls to 311 ensued.”

Speechless: Prospect Heights Message Boards

Mugged by Fresh Direct Delivery Guy?

Tessa writes on NYC Metblogs: “…The guy put his foot in my door and would not let me close it, demanding his tip. I tried to close it, my heart beating faster realizing I’m a single female who lives in a studio with all my neighbors out already for the night. I think by the third time, he realized it too, pushed his way into my apartment and demanded I give him money.

“I gave him all the cash I had which amounted to only about $10 … I immediately closed my door, shaking violently (still currently at this moment), locking all three locks and then got on the phone to Fresh Direct…”

Read more: Tessa on NYC Metblogs

Discuss: Message Boards